What is my self-employed status?

With these easy steps we'll explain you how to check your self-employment status

Eniola Desmet avatar
Written by Eniola Desmet
Updated over a week ago

Not sure how you are registered in the system? Are you a natural person, franchisee, subject to VAT or do you have a company? This article explains how to find out in a few easy steps.

Want to know if you're a natural person or a company?

Step 1: Get a VAT number

To know what your status is we'll have to have your VAT number on standby. If you don't have one yet then you are not Self Employed by law. There are 3 steps you need to follow in order to start as a Self Employed in Belgium:

  1. Open a bank account

    The following documents are required to open an account: A passport or identity card, Proof of residence in Belgium (a lease with Belgian address), An employment or grant agreement.

  2. Register as a Natural Person Self Employed at the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises : The easiest way to do this is to go to an enterprise counter to get registered as a self-employed. You can choose between Acerta, Xerius, Liantis, Securex, UCM, Eunomia, Formalis or Partena for example. Pick the one that suits you best and is closest to where you live.

  3. Get a VAT number from the tax office : The enterprise counter will request a VAT number for you.

    Please refer to our dedicated blog article via this link or this video for a step by step explanation.

Step 2: Go to the website of Crossroads Bank for Enterprises.

You can go to this website and type in your vat number in the box below (without the country code. ex.: 0123.321.123)

Step 3: Read the given table.

under the section "entity type" in the given table you'll see if you're a company or natural person:

Now that you know your self employment status you can set up your account on Accountable to simplify your life as a hardworking entrepreneur.

Wanted to know if you're subject to VAT?

Step 1: Have your VAT number ready.

Step 2: Go to the website of Intervat

Step 3: Log in with your preferred method

Step 4: Select the first option and click "Next"

Step 5: Click on "Intervat"

Step 6: Click on "Vat Regimes"

Step 7: Enter your VAT number and press "search"

Step 8: This is where the magic happens

That wasn't to hard right? Now you know where to find your status you're ready to enrich yourself with more knowledge about your tax obligations.

If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to our support team and we'll gladly help you out.


Accountable team

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