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How do I encode a down payment or instalment payment?
How do I encode a down payment or instalment payment?

Step by step guide how you can easily encode a down payment or instalment payment in Accountable.

Franzi avatar
Written by Franzi
Updated over a week ago

The most important information right away: Each incoming payment to your account must be encoded individually on the day the payment is received.

Now there are two ways depending on if you write your invoices within Accountable or not.

Option 1: You write your invoices within Accountable directly

If you write your invoices externally please continue with Option 2.

Step 1: Create a new invoice

Go to "revenues" -> "create invoice"

Step 2: Add client data + products/services

Choose your client and add all your services + products.

Step 3: Add the down payment or instalment payments

In the footer of the invoice you can find a "notes & comments" section. Please mention all payments including date + amount in this section.

Once your invoice is finished you can send it to your client.

Important: Please mark this invoice NEVER as paid.

Step 4) Record the revenue

Once you have received the first payment or the down payment, you can record this revenue quite easy.

Continue with OPTION A if you have your bank account connected or with OPTION B if not.

⚠️ This applies only for German revenue.

In case you agree on down payments for foreign revenue, please skip Option A + B and continue with Option C.

OPTION A) Record the revenue from your bank transactions

--> Click on "more options" on the right side of the transaction.

--> Choose "professional income"

--> Choose "record revenue"

--> Fill out the item description and choose the correct category based on what you sold (product/service..)

OPTION B) Record the revenue manually (no bank account connected)

Choose "Add another revenue"

--> Fill out the item description, the amount of the payment and choose the correct category based on what you sold (product/service..)

OPTION C) Record your payments received from foreign customers according to German bookkeeping standards

In this case you are obliged to record all payments individually as an official invoice. This means you cannot use the ticket option as it is only valid for German revenue.

Step 1: Download the original invoice you created in Accountable

Step 2: Click on the revenue screen on "Import invoice" and upload the original invoice.

Step 3: If the original invoice was named "XXXX-XX" Name the first payment "XXXX-XX-1", the second "XXXX-XX-2" etc. And make sure the amount is adapted to the first payment as well as the date.

Continue with this step for all payments you received.

Option 2: You write your invoices externally and upload them to Accountable.

⚠️ This applies only for German revenue.

In case you agree on down payments for foreign revenue, please skip Option A and continue with Option B.


Choose "add another revenue"

Upload your existing invoice right here ↓

Fill out the following details for the down payment:

  • Set the "issued date" to the date of the down payment/first payment.

  • mention in the description the original invoice number

  • choose the correct category based on what you sold

  • add the amount of the down payment/first payment

Fill out the following details for the final payment:

  • Set the "issued date" to the date of the final payment/next/last payment.

  • mention in the description the original invoice number

  • choose the correct category based on what you sold

  • add the amount of the final payment/next/last payment

OPTION B - for foreign revenue:

In this case you are obliged to record all payments individually as an official invoice. This means you cannot use the ticket option as it is only valid for German revenue.

Step 1: Click on the revenue screen on "Import invoice" and upload the original invoice you created.

Step 2: If the original invoice was named "XXXX-XX" Name the first payment invoice "XXXX-XX-1", the second "XXXX-XX-2" etc. And make sure the amount is adapted to the first payment as well as the date.

Continue with this step for all payments you received.

This means if your invoice was paid in 3 separate transactions on 3 separate days, you need to upload the original invoice 3 times and change the amounts accordingly to the bank transaction amounts you received.

If you have any questions about this, please reach out via chat.

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