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Create sales invoices in other currencies than EUR

You can create sales invoices in different currencies, including USD, GBP, CHF

Simon avatar
Written by Simon
Updated over a week ago

You may have clients in countries outside of the Euro-zone, and may need to invoice your clients in other currencies (e.g. USD, GBP, CHF).

With Accountable, you can create sales invoices in a selection of currencies, among which EURO, US Dollar, Australian dollar, Canadian dollar, British pound, Japanese Yen, Chinese Renminbi, Polish Zloty, Norwegian Krone, Danish Krone, Swedish Krona,...

How does it work from the web?

  • First, create a new sales invoice from the Revenue screen

  • On the right panel, click on the "Currency" drop-down menu and select your currency

  • The invoice on the left will be automatically adapted to the selected currency

  • The total EUR equivalent will be displayed below the currency drop-down menu

  • You can manually edit the equivalent value in EUR

  • After creating the invoice, the total Revenue amounts are displayed in the revenue screen will show the sum of all your invoices, as a value in EUR.

How it works in the app?

  • First, create a new sales invoice from the Revenue screen.

  • You can edit the currency either from the invoice settings, or when editing the item details

  • The equivalent value in EUR will automatically be adjusted

  • You can manually edit the equivalent value in EUR in the invoice screen

  • After creating the invoice, the total Revenue amounts are displayed in the revenue screen will show the sum of all your invoices, as a value in EUR.


  • Can I invoice with VAT in other currencies? -> Yes, as long as your client is based in your country, you can add local VAT. As for invoices in EUR, the Reverse charge regime will apply for sales invoices inside the EU, and 0% rate for Export will apply for sales invoices outside of the EU.

  • Will more currencies be available in the future? -> There is a wide selection of currencies right now, but who knows? Reach out to us if you have specific requests.

  • How does Accountable define the exchange rate? -> we rely on the exchange rate from The exchange rate is based on the date of the invoice.

  • Can I update the exchange rate manually? -> you can update the Euro amount manually, and the exchange rate value will change according to that.

  • After I link a payment to an invoice, how can I adjust the value in EUR? -> It may happen that the exchange rate is not the same when you get paid than on the invoice date, in which case the amount on the invoice in accountable will be different from the bank transaction. At any point in time, you can edit the invoice to manually update the value in EUR.

  • If I create a credit note from the sales invoice, which amount in EUR is taken into account? -> the exchange rate will automatically adapt to the date of the Credit note, meaning that the value in EUR will be different from the initial invoice. At any point in time, you can edit the document to manually update the value in EUR.

  • When I receive payment from my client, what happens if the amount received in EUR does not match at 100% the amount from the invoice (e.g. the Bank charges transactions fees)? -> The invoice will be marked as paid automatically, as long as the total amount of the bank transactions linked is bigger or equal to 90% of the amount of the invoice.

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