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What you should know about quotes

A quote and an invoice are two distinct documents, but both are performed to ensure that you will be paid timely and accurately.

Eniola avatar
Written by Eniola
Updated over a week ago

So, you're about to start a new project for a client? Prior to beginning of any work, a quote is recommended. It specifies the cost of a project or job. Informing your customers about the cost of the services they require is crucial to ensure you and your client are on the same page.

Only after the work is completed, an invoice can be issued. The invoice then specifies the final charges and the due date of payment. Both documents are important to your company's financial performance.

What makes a good quote?

Customers value it when you are upfront about your pricing, regardless of the type of business you run. It builds professionalism and trust between the company and the customer, which might lead to referrals.

A quote is more than just a rough estimate. After you have visited the site or spoken with the customer about their project requirements, a quote is produced. It covers precise material pricing, as well as labor expenses, taxes, and any applicable discounts.

A formal quote, which should always be written, should include the following:

  • Company branding with your logo and contact information.

  • A detailed list of the products and services that the consumer has requested.

  • Additional product or service alternatives to alert the buyer of items that are available

  • A document date and an expiration date

How to create quotes in Accountable?

Don't want to make mistakes? You can easily use Accountable to create a good quote for your customers. You can then simply create a personalised quote by clicking a few buttons:

  1. From the revenue screen, click "Create a quote" to start a new quote

  2. Add all the necessary information (client details, items description - category -prices)

  3. Download the quote in .PDF

  4. Send the quote to your client via your preferred communication mean

Making a quote on web

Making a quote with the app

It is also possible to create a new quote from another existing quote, by duplicating it (from mobile).

How to follow the status of my quotes?

If you send many budgetary quotes to clients, you may need to follow their status.

From the revenue screen, click the "quotes" tab to access all your quotes. You can simply open each quote and assign a status: Not sent, Sent, Approved, Rejected.

In the Revenue screen, you can easily view your quotes per status by using filters.

How to create an invoice from an accepted quote?

After your client accepts the quote, you can easily generate an invoice fgrom the quote:

  • Open the quote item

  • Click "Make it an invoice" -> an invoice will be automatically started using the information from the quote

  • Save the invoice to generate a .PDF and send it to your client

Note that you can create only 1 invoice from a quote. If you need several quotes (e.g. payment in 2 installments), you can duplicate the first invoice in order to create a second one.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do quotes impact my taxes? Quotes are not counted for accounting or tax calculations

  • Can I use quotes in the Free plan? Quotes are available to all users without limitations, and are not counted in the document counter for Free users.

  • Can I import my quotes made in another software? No, it's only possible to create quotes from Accountable

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