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Add expenses from e-mail

It is easy to import expenses that you received via email. Just forward them to us!

Nicolas Quarré avatar
Written by Nicolas Quarré
Updated over 5 years ago

It all starts from your inbox
You have receipts or purchase invoices you received on your email?
Simply add or forward us your invoice to and we will automatically import it.

You can import multiple PDFs at once: for each distinct file attached, we'll create one invoice and do our best to pre-fill the necessary data for your taxes (see below).

You can also import plain HTML emails: we will automatically convert it into PDF and import it.

The only precaution? Make sure you send us the invoices from the email you are using in Accountable. That is how we know for sure it is yours.

Once in Accountable:
You should be notified once your expense has been processed (it typically takes 2-3 minutes). Once in the app, you should see it appear in the "Expenses" screen, at the top of the list, under the "Expenses to validate" tab.

Before this expense can count against your taxes, you need to validate the pre-booking that Accountable did: make sure the merchant is well identified and that the sub-totals and VAT totals are correct. Don't forget to only tick the "invoice" tickbox if your VAT number figures on the document. Once done, validate the expense and, off you go, your VAT and expense totals have been updated.

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